A. L. Edelen1, S. G. Biedron2, J. P. Edelen3, S. V. Milton4, P. J. M. van der Slot5

1Colorado State University, 2Element Aero, 3Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, 4Los Alamos National Laboratory, 5University of Twente

38th International Free Electron Laser Conference


FEL user facilities often must accommodate requests for a variety of beam parameters. This usually requires skilled operators to tune the machine, reducing the amount of available time for users. In principle, a neural network control policy that is trained on a broad range of operating states could be used to quickly switch between these requests without substantial need for human inter-vention. We present preliminary results from an ongoing study in which a neural network control policy is investi-gated for rapid switching between beam parameters in a compact THz FEL.

Read the paper: http://jacow.org/fel2017/papers/wep031.pdf

Contact: Auralee Edelen