Schema of the parameters’role within the learning loop.

Optimizing a superconducting radio-frequency gun using deep reinforcement learning

D. Meier1, L. V. Ramirez1, J. Völker1, J. Viefhaus1, B. Sick2, G. Hartmann1 1Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, 2University of Kassel Physical Review Accelerators and Beams Abstract Superconducting photoelectron injectors are promising for generating highly brilliant pulsed electron beams with high repetition rates and low emittances. Experiments such as ultrafast electron diffraction, experiments at the Terahertz scale, and energy recovery linac applications require such properties. However, optimizing the beam properties is challenging due to the high number of possible machine parameter combinations....

October 28, 2022 · 157 words · RL4AA Collaboration
Example of a simulation run.

Orbit Correction Studies Using Neural Networks

E. Meier, Y.-R. E. Tan, G. S. LeBlanc Australian Synchrotron 3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference Abstract This paper reports the use of neural networks for orbitcorrection at the Australian Synchrotron Storage Ring. Theproposed system uses two neural networks in an actor-criticscheme to model a long term cost function and computeappropriate corrections. The system is entirely based onthe history of the beam position and the actuators, i.e. thecorrector magnets, in the storage ring....

May 20, 2012 · 165 words · RL4AA Collaboration